Archive: September, 2011

ICAO proposes unified approach to global ATC modernisation

ICAO is preparing to present a proposal to the international aviation community that will assist in the modernization of air traffic management systems in order to cope with the anticipated doubling of passenger traffic to some 5 billion by the year 2030.

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Chilling ATC Recordings from 9/11

Chilling new audio tapes have been released today of the September 11 attacks a decade ago. The recordings reveal the confusion and shock of US air traffic controllers and others as they witnessed the escalating crisis.

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About Wayne Farley

Wayne Farley

I am Wayne, an aviation safety evangelist who once made my living working in the control tower. Engage me while I share my thoughts, experience, and news from the aviation world. After writing "13 Characteristics of an air traffic controller" in 2010, it went viral and established me as an unofficial ambassador for ATC.


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