VoIP ready for implementation in ATM

EUROCONTROL, European air navigation service providers, ICAO, Eurocae, the FAA and industry have completed a number of actions which mean that implementation of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in ATM can now begin.

Brussels, Belgium – EUROCONTROL, European air navigation service providers, ICAO, Eurocae, the FAA and industry have completed a number of actions which mean that implementation of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in ATM can now begin.
The actions which have now been completed include:

  • The inclusion of VoIP requirements into ICAO DOC 9896 by making a reference to the Eurocae specification on Interoperability Standards for VoIP ATM Components. This is the result of the work led by the ICAO Aeronautical Communication Panel Working Group I, responsible for the development of the ICAO Aeronautical Telecommunication Network over the Internet Protocol Suite (IPS) standards.
  • Progress by the SESAR partners in validating and verifying VoIP in ATM over the Pan European Network Service (PENS) in the context of SWIM infrastructure. The full validation of VoIP for ATM services is expected to be completed by mid 2012. The related SES implementation Objective has been activated for an initial operational capability planned for January 2013.
  • A VoIP Implementation and Transition Expert Group (VOTE) task force is currently evaluating the VoIP in ATM Test suite developed by EUROCONTROL, which is intended to support both ANSPs and industry during the VoIP services deployment.
  • The maturity of the VoIP in ATM standard has been proved during the interoperability events organised by FAA in May 2011 and the European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI) in June 2011. Both events relied on the EUROCONTROL VoIP in ATM Test case specification, also aligned with the latest Eurocae VoIP in ATM specification. An evolution of the Eurocae VoIP in ATM (ED137A) standard is expected to be finalised before the end of this year.

In addition to these actions, the FAA is currently evaluating VoIP for the future evolution of the U.S. next generation voice communications system.
“The global standardisation of VoIP protocols for ATM systems is key in the evolution towards an interoperable, modern and highly capable worldwide air traffic control system.
In addition, as a mature standard, it can respond to the challenges of SESII and has the potential to become a building block for future European functional airspace blocks,” said Jacques Dopagne, Director Network Management at EUROCONTROL.

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Pretty insightful. Thanks!

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