Archive: October, 2011

The Growing Threats To Aircraft From Lasers

The malicious use of lasers to blind pilots and air traffic controllers is rapidly growing and experts fear that these could lead to a crash someday.

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International Day of the Air Traffic Controller 2011

Today the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations (IFATCA) celebrates the International Day of the Air Traffic Controller and 50 years of existence since its beginnings in 1961.

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Fear of Flying and how Air Traffic Control helps these folks overcome their phobia

Air Traffic Control and fear of flying? Huh!! What has one got to do with another?

VoIP ready for implementation in ATM

EUROCONTROL, European air navigation service providers, ICAO, Eurocae, the FAA and industry have completed a number of actions which mean that implementation of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in ATM can now begin.

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About Wayne Farley

Wayne Farley

I am Wayne, an aviation safety evangelist who once made my living working in the control tower. Engage me while I share my thoughts, experience, and news from the aviation world. After writing "13 Characteristics of an air traffic controller" in 2010, it went viral and established me as an unofficial ambassador for ATC.


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