Recording of Malaysian Flight 370 Pilots Talking to Air Traffic Control

Almost 2 months after the disappearance of MH370, audio recordings of the final conversations between pilots of missing aircraft and teams of air traffic controllers were published for the first time Thursday, 1st May 2014 by investigators. - See more at:

Audio recordings of the final conversations between pilots of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 and teams of air traffic controllers were published for the first time Thursday, 1st May 2014 by investigators.

The tapes were released as part of a preliminary report by Malaysian authorities of the mysterious disappearance of the Boeing 777 almost two months ago. No debris from MH370 has been found, and the underwater search off the western coast of Australia has so far yielded nothing.

Below is the full transcript of that conversation, which was released by authorities earlier this month.

“ATC Delivery” (Pre-Departure)

Mayalsia Airlines Flight 370 cockpit (12:25:53): Delivery MAS 370 good morning.

Air traffic control (12:26:02): MAS 370 standby and Malaysia Six is cleared to Frankfurt via AGOSA alpha departure 6,000 feet squawk two one zero six.

ATC (12:26:19): … MAS 370 request level.

MH370 at (12:26:21): MAS 370 we are ready requesting flight level three five zero to Beijing.

ATC(12:26:39): MAS 370 is cleared to Beijing via PIBOS a departure 6,000 feet squawk two one five seven.

Cockpit (12:26:45): Beijing PIBOS a 6,000 squawk two one five seven MAS 370 thank you.

ATC (12:26:53): MAS 370 welcome over to ground.

Cockpit (12:26:55): Good day.

“Lumpur Ground” (Kuala Lumpur airport ground movements)

Cockpit (12:27:27): Ground MAS370 good morning Charlie One requesting push and start.

ATC (12:27:34): MAS370 Lumpur Ground morning push back and start approved Runway 32 right exit via Sierra 4.

Cockpit (12:27:40): Push back and start approved 32 Right Exit via Sierra 4 POB 239 Mike Romeo Oscar.

ATC (12:27:45): Copied.

Cockpit (12:32:13): MAS377 request taxi.

ATC (12:32:26): MAS37….. (garbled) … standard route. Hold short Bravo.

ATC (12:32:30): Ground, MAS370. You are unreadable. Say again.

ATC (12:32:38): MAS370 taxi to holding point Alfa 11 Runway 32 right via standard route. Hold short of Bravo.

Cockpit (12:32:42): Alfa 11 Standard route Hold short Bravo MAS370.

ATC (12:35:53): MAS 370 Tower.

ATC (12:36:19): (garbled) … Tower … (garbled).

Cockpit (no time given): 1188 MAS370 Thank you.

Lumpur Tower (Kuala Lumpur airport runway)

Cockpit (12:36:30): Tower MAS370 morning.

ATC (12:36:38): MAS370 good morning. Lumpur Tower. Holding point.. (garbled)..10 32 Right.

Cockpit (12:36:50): Alfa 10 MAS370.

ATC (12:38:43): 370 line up 32 Right Alfa 10.

Cockpit (no time given): Line up 32 Right Alfa 10 MAS370.

ATC (12:40:38): 370 32 Right cleared for take-off. Good night.

Cockpit (no time given): 32 Right cleared for take-off MAS370. Thank you bye.

Lumpur Approach (Kuala Lumpur area controllers)

Cockpit (12:42:05): Departure Malaysian Three Seven Zero.

ATC (12:42:10): Malaysian Three Seven Zero selamat pagi identified. Climb flight level one eight zero cancel SID turn right direct to IGARI.

Cockpit (12:42:48): Okay level one eight zero direct IGARI Malaysian one err Three Seven Zero.

ATC (12:42:52): Malaysian Three Seven Zero contact Lumpur Radar One Three Two Six good night.

Cockpit (no time given): Night one three two six Malaysian Three Seven Zero.

Lumpur Radar (Malaysia regional controllers)

Cockpit (12:46:51): Lumpur Control Malaysian Three Seven Zero.

ATC (12:46:51): Malaysian Three Seven Zero Lumpur radar good morning climb flight level two five zero.

Cockpit (12:46:54): Morning level two five zero Malaysian Three Seven Zero.

ATC (12:50:06): Malaysian Three Seven Zero climb flight level three five zero.

Cockpit (12:50:09): Flight level three five zero Malaysian Three Seven Zero.

Cockpit (01:01:14): Malaysian Three Seven Zero maintaining level three five zero.

ATC (01:01:19): Malaysian Three Seven Zero.

Cockpit (01:07:55): Malaysian…Three Seven Zero maintaining level three five zero.

ATC (01:08:00): Malaysian Three Seven Zero.

ATC (01:19:24): Malaysian Three Seven Zero contact Ho Chi Minh 120 decimal 9 Good night.

Cockpit (01:19:29): Good Night Malaysian Three Seven Zero.

About Wayne Farley

I am Wayne, a career air traffic controller with over 30 years of industry experience. Engage me while I share my thoughts, experience, and news from around the aviation world. A post titled “13 Characteristics of an Air Traffic Controller” written in 2010 went viral and established me as the unofficial ambassador of ATC.

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