Aviation Humor

Once in a while we all need some humor in our lives. Let’s have a laugh at ourselves and others in the aviation profession. Be careful not to view these at work, the laughter may be contagious.


Here’s a collection of aviation humor that I found on the internet. Do enjoy!

Kudos! to all the cartoonists out there.

If you find these funny, please SHARE them, and feel free to point me in the direction of any other sites with aviation humor.

9 Responses


HA HA Those are great. My favorite is you can have an oxygen mask but you need to pay $15 to activate it.

Wayne Farley

Funny stuff indeed. We need humor to reduce the stress of life.

Mitchell Allen

Great collection of cartoons, Wayne! I loved the “Take your children to work” strip.



Wayne Farley

That, I believe, was in response to the dad who took his son to work in the New York tower.

Wayne Howard

LOL, those were pretty funny. The first one and the “Take your child to work” were especially hilarious. Retweeted!

Wayne Farley

I’m glad that I can put a smile on your face. $5 is optional here. lol.


nice one

The Cartoon Pilot


I don’t tell jokes, I just tell it like it is. In a made-up way that will hopefully make you laugh.


Loved these…The ‘take your child to work’ cartoon is great.

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