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107 Years of Flight

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one small footstep. 107 years ago on December 17, the Wright brothers successfully flew the first powered, heavier-than-air aircraft.


107 years ago on December 17, the Wright brothers successfully flew the first powered, heavier-than-air aircraft along a beach in North Carolina. The frail structure of metal, wood and fabric struggled into the air and carried a single passenger a mere 260 metres. That day marked the culmination of experiments made by scores of men during the previous century. For even at the moment of its birth, the aeroplane was a creation of no one nation or no one technology.

Today, the international character of air transport is self evident, with millions of passengers being carried annually by the world’s airlines. The air has become a super highway for world commerce.

Looking back over the years though, the flying machines became bigger, faster and their range have been extended. They have been built for all kinds of military and civil operations, manned and unmanned. As I write, aircraft are even being developed to take thrill seekers into space…..thanks to Virgin Galactic.

Where is “flight” headed next? No one knows for certain, but we surely came a long way and have managed to do it safely. Statistically speaking, air travel is still the safest means of transportation, and this record has been achieved through the development and implementation of international standards and recommended practices.

The tireless efforts of all aviation professionals are to be commended as they pass yet another milestone their journey.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one small footstep.” Don’t you just love these Chinese proverbs? Oh, by the way, how many million miles have been flown since the birth of the aircraft?

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